Official Website of the 385th Bomb Group Association


548 Bomb Squadron


549 Bomb Squadron


550 Bomb Squadron


551 Bomb Squadron


Newsworthy and Noteworthy

385th BGA

In 2021, President Thomas Gagnon passed away unexpectedly. We miss him dearly and are doing our best to uphold the Association he loved so dearly.!/Obituary 

Official History Book: THE 385TH BOMB GROUP, WORLD WAR II HISTORY AND DATA by W. W. Varnedoe, Jr. and Charles W. Lundsberg, III

In 2015, the 385th BGA published a new history book. This 265 page, 9″x12″ hard-cover book focuses on the 385th’s combat missions, targets and losses incurred. Several stories and first-person accounts of combat experiences are included. Also included are crew and aircraft photo appendices and a table with detailed information (serial #; name, if any, squadron; last pilot; and ultimate fate) for each of the B-17s flown by the 385th BG.

Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of this $50 book should contact Shannon Muchow via email at